A man who went out to Thailand to kill himself has today thanked the friends who came to his rescue - but has called on others to do more to help those in need.

Norwich Evening News: Steven Rickett (Centre) with his friends Sam Littleboy (left) and Ben Jones (right). PIC: Peter Walsh.Steven Rickett (Centre) with his friends Sam Littleboy (left) and Ben Jones (right). PIC: Peter Walsh. (Image: Archant)

Steven Rickett has battled mental health issues for a number of years but just a couple of months ago had reached 'breaking point'.

He said: 'I just couldn't deal with life any more.'

The 35-year-old decided to go to Thailand, which he described as his 'happy place', and flew out at the end of May after quitting his home and his job.

He planned to kill himself and just days before his suicide attempt, Mr Rickett posted a video on Facebook which caused concern for his safety.

Norwich Evening News: Steven Rickett. Pic: Peter Walsh.Steven Rickett. Pic: Peter Walsh. (Image: Archant)

It prompted concerned friends, including Sam Littleboy, 34, Mark Levert, 36, and Ben Jones, 28, to fly out to Thailand to try and track down Mr Rickett as a search was launched by the police and Thai authorities.

Within days, Mr Rickett's friends had located him at a hotel in Chang Hai and burst through the doors just as he had made an attempt on his life.

He said: 'I had actually attempted to do it.

'They walked in and I just sobbed like a little kid.'

Mr Rickett and his friends remained in Thailand for a few more days where they locked themselves in the hotel and talked through his problems before returning home together.

Mr Littleboy, a consultant at Aviva, even organised for his friend to have a job interview with the company via skype before they returned home.

He started work with them last month and is living with his friend Mr Jones, off Hall Road in Norwich, but admits he still has a long way to go in battling his problems.

Mr Rickett is being helped by mental health services and is on medication, but admits he still feels suicidal and insisted others have a vital role to play to help those in need as his friends have.

He said: 'They saved my life and have given me a chance to try again. But I've said to them from the start I can't make any promises. But for everything they've done for me, I owe it to them.'

Mr Rickett has organised a music night in aid of Mind at Karma Kafe, Bedford Street, from 8pm on August 10 where all proceeds will go to the charity.