Dozens of Norfolk Day events are being planned and prepped for the big day later this month.

And for fans of Norwich’s enthralling past, a special historic tour is being held to mark this year’s event.

On July 27, the annual date of Norfolk Day, tour guide and independent publisher Paul Dickson will be offering a free guided walk.

“I am doing my 'Norwich: Historic Alleys, Lanes and Passages' guided walking tour on Wednesday, July 27 at 2pm starting in front of The Forum," said Mr Dickson.

“To mark Norfolk Day, the tour is free and there will be a collection for the charity The Benjamin Foundation at the end.”

Participants will be able to discover the stories of Norwich's historic alleys, lanes and passages on this tour.

It will include a walk down the former Esperanto Way, stories of Hampshire Hog Yard and Ninham's, Rigby and Watts Courts, and a visit to see Gybson's Conduit.

Mr Dickson added: “You’ll also be able to find out what JB Priestley thought of Norwich and Lady Eastlake thought of Jane Eyre, pass great medieval churches, rare thatched buildings, and discover a great Victorian singing teacher and why Father Ignatius caused such a furore and much more.”

Returning once again as Norfolk Day’s official sponsor is Richardson's Leisure Limited.

Greg Munford, the boating holiday firm's chief executive, said: “We are delighted to continue our long association with Norfolk Day, celebrating all that is great about the places, people and partnerships, and showcasing our wonderful communities at their absolute best."

And while this year’s Norfolk Day will take place on Wednesday, July 27, people are also being encouraged to celebrate with friends and family during the weekend before on July 23 and 24.

  • To get involved email, tweet @norfolk, or visit the Norfolk Day group on Facebook, and don’t forget to use the #NorfolkDay hashtag.
  • Our Norfolk Store has all the items you need to celebrate our amazing county including bunting, flags, celebration packs, banners, and more. Visit the website for more details.
  • For the free walking tour, booking is essential via Evenbrite or by visiting Mr Dickson’s website at