Furious folk living in a city suburb have signed a petition to axe a plan which would see a new fast food restaurant built on their doorstep.

McDonald's is looking to replace the car sales company Richard Nash in Mousehold Lane in Sprowston with a new site.

James Edmonds, who lives nearby, said: "There would be huge amount of additional traffic on an already busy road which would cause pollution to increase significantly.

"There's so much congestion in the area and this would just exasperate things."

He added: "The nearest McDonald's is only a couple of miles away and provides a delivery service.

"The junction between Mousehold Lane and Corbet Avenue is already very dangerous if you're trying to turn right - with people entering and exiting a McDonald's this can only increase such risk."

Norwich Evening News: The site is currently occupied by car sales company Richard NashThe site is currently occupied by car sales company Richard Nash (Image: Submiteed)

McDonald's has confirmed that access will only be from the left.

Dani Ifergan, a mental health support worker, said: "I'm not far from the proposed Mcdonald's and very much against the idea of it.

"The amount of rubbish, especially in Mousehold, would be terrible.

But there are locals who back the plan.

Matthew Tink said: "You could argue it would cause less pollution with people not driving to the one further away.

"Sprowston is increasing in size - I can see the negatives but people have to understand that if you buy a house in this area, with how Norwich is expanding, you must expect changes to happen."

The petition, which was set up a day after the news emerged, has brought in over 100 signatures.

Norwich Evening News: The leaflet which is due to get posted through Sprowston neighbour's letterboxes this weekendThe leaflet which is due to get posted through Sprowston neighbour's letterboxes this weekend (Image: Submitted)

As part of the drive to get more signatures a leaflet will circulated over the weekend detailing why the proposals would be a mistake.

A spokesman for McDonald's said: "Our scheme will deliver a range of local benefits, including creating more than 100 jobs.

“McDonald’s proposals include controls to ensure that customers exiting the site will only be permitted to turn left, sufficient parking to accommodate demand, and a carefully planned system to regulate traffic and prevent queuing."

Anyone wishing to find out more about the proposals can visit www.mcdonaldsconsultation.co.uk/norwich or feedback@consultationonline.co.uk or 0800 298 7040.