While some people took up baking or knitting during lockdown, this Norfolk man started a new hobby creating Christmas light shows.

Hayden Moon, 49, has transformed his house in Grove Way in Newton Flotman into a winter wonderland with 10,000 lights, which he began putting up at the start of the year.

He was inspired after watching videos on YouTube of Christmas light sequences at people's homes in America and he also loves films like 1989 festive classic Christmas Vacation.

He has now created his own show and it lasts for 30 minutes and runs four times a night between 5pm and 7pm each day until Sunday, January 2.

It features lots of interactive elements and is set to Christmas and popular songs, including from The Polar Express and The Greatest Showman, with background music from 4pm too.

Mr Moon said: "I have always admired the light shows they do in America and in lockdown I took it up as a new hobby and went on some forums and learnt how to do it.

"There are 10,000 lights and I got strange looks building the Christmas tree in the garden in February.

"I made it using a children's trampoline with a netball net up the centre - I built all the lights and it took a long time to sequence it all.

"Come and enjoy some Christmas cheer and it is there for people to enjoy and children can shout out too."

Fortunately, his wife has been supportive of his new hobby and he is collecting donations for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, with more than £200 raised so far.

He also lives next to the Village Hall so people are able to park easily.

To make sure his neighbours were happy, he held a trial event for Halloween with pumpkins which proved popular and he raised £380 for the Venture Farm Cat Rescue in Mattishall.

He added: "Everybody says that I must spend so much on electricity, but they are all low voltage and for the whole of December it shouldn't cost more than £15."