If you keep an eye out you might just catch a glimpse of an emu or a lizard the next time you're walking around Norwich.

Not live animals, of course, but you may spot some rather simplistic animal artwork which has got people talking.

Norwich Evening News: Simplistic artworks like this gorilla have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them?Simplistic artworks like this gorilla have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them? (Image: Dharma Yoga)

The quirky drawings have been daubed upon various electrical boxes, bridge railings and bus shelters around the Fine City and its outskirts, leaving people puzzled as to who created them.

One such example depicts a hulking gorilla, while another shows a hedgehog, clearly discernible by its spines.

For the avoidance of doubt, each shape has been labelled to let passer-by know exactly what they're looking at – a simple oval is identified as an egg, rather than any other spherical object.

Norwich Evening News: Simplistic artworks like this hedgehog have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them?Simplistic artworks like this hedgehog have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them? (Image: Dharma Yoga)

These photos were taken by Dharma Yoga, who spotted them whilst out walking with Colin Hynson.

Mr Hynson posted them on a Facebook group to see if anyone knew where they came from – so far the post has been shared dozens of times while hundreds of people have commented on the simple sketches.

Mr Hynson said: "It's interesting that they are not just in the city centre but also on the Dereham Road, Drayton Road, around Notcutts and in Mile Cross. That suggests to me that's it's not a student but someone who is a resident."

Norwich Evening News: Simplistic artworks like this egg have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them?Simplistic artworks like this egg have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them? (Image: Dharma Yoga)

Several commenters said they loved the artworks, with one saying she loved their "simplicity, repetitive style and the obvious humorous labelling".

However others felt that the drawings were not art but instead graffiti which one man said was "spoiling the city".

One man said: "These idiots should be made to clean up their mess," while another woman added: "That's not street art, it's defacing property."

Norwich Evening News: Simplistic artworks like this emu have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them?Simplistic artworks like this emu have been appearing all over Norwich. Do you know who created them? (Image: Dharma Yoga)

But Mr Hynson disagreed with those views, and praised the mystery artist for "adding to the beauty of our city".

"Some people in the comments have complained that this is graffiti that is spoiling our city. If they had appeared on the side of, say, Cow Tower or the cathedral or the castle then I would have agreed.

"However, the artist has chosen only what could be called blank municipal spaces. He or she clearly respects the beauty of our city and has added to it rather than taken it away."

Do you know who the mystery artist is? Email: daniel.moxon@archant.co.uk