Police are urging motorists to be on their guard after a spate of catalytic converter thefts.

The warning comes after 11 thefts across the county since Friday.

Three thefts were in Dereham, one in Blofield, six in Narford and one in Acle.

Officers are urging people to call police if they witness anyone acting suspiciously around vehicles, particularly around vans and pick-up trucks.

South Norfolk cistrict commander, chief inspector Stuart Armes, said: 'Catalytic converters are prime targets for thieves because they contain premium metals.

'I would urge drivers of 4x4s, pick-up trucks and vans, which seem to be a prime target, to be vigilant and take sensible measures.

'Officers are currently employing a number of tactics to identify and apprehend those responsible and we would be interested to hear from anyone who may have information.'

Officers have this advice:

-Keep vehicles in a well-secured garage where possible, and if no garage is available, in a well-lit, public area.

-Vehicles can be parked in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult, or parallel with another vehicle if you own one.

-Commercial vehicles should also be kept in a locked building or compound.

-Use alarms, lighting and CCTV to deter thieves.

-Mark your catalytic converter - etching the part and spraying with heat-resistant paint.

• Anyone who sees anything suspicious should contact Norfolk Constabulary on 101 or call 999 if you witness a crime.