If the saying everyone has a book in them is to be believed, then November is the month to prove the theory right.

National Novel Writing Month – or simply NaNoWriMo – is now in its 22nd year and during that time its concept has remained the same: to write at least 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days.

While this is a global challenge, in Norfolk there is a thriving network of writers and would-be-authors both old and new ready to accept the challenge.

A spokeswoman for the Norfolk NaNoWriMo group encouraged everyone to get involved.

They said: “While there are no prizes or league tables, the satisfaction of taking part, and the potential creation of something publishable, is an extraordinary experience.”

To date, around 400,000 novels have been completed by participants and includes alumni such as north Norfolk novelist Elizabeth Haynes and Water for Elephants author Sara Gruen.

  • To find out more, visit nanowrimo.org or join the Facebook group Norfolk's NaNoWriMo Writers (UK).