Struggling families are looking to tighten their belts this festive season by cutting costs on presents.

Parents in Norwich have said they are getting creative and making homemade gifts, as well as shopping in charity shops and organising secret Santas.

It comes as a YouGov Poll found that 55pc of parents of children aged 18 or under in Britain are likely to reduce their spending on food and drink this Christmas.

One family who have been savvy with the way they shop this Christmas is Annie Reilly.

The 56-year-old mum of three from NR3 has found that her Christmas has become much more stress-free since her family opted for secret Santa.

She said: “We spend £50 each and do it through secret Santa.

“We each send out a wish list and choose something for the person we’ve got from their wish list. If I was going to purchase a gift for each member of my family individually it would cost me more than £350.

“This way is cheaper and much more fun.”

Annie added that this way it means there is no waste as everyone gets something they want or need without anyone spending "silly amounts" of money.

It also helps her to be able to afford the extra energy for lights on the tree and to be able to purchase food for the Christmas dinner.

Norwich Evening News: Nicholas Baker, who lives in Norwich, shares his experience of coming out as trans.Nicholas Baker, who lives in Norwich, shares his experience of coming out as trans. (Image: Nicholas Baker)

Nicholas Baker, who lives in NR2, is making the most of what the city has to offer.

The 27-year-old said: “My sister and I like to do charity shop gifts for each other and I do a lot of handmade stuff.”

However Elizabeth Marlow, 51 who works in Sprowston, has decided to forgo the present expense all together.

The visual merchandiser said: “We have got to a point in our lives where there is not much that we need.

“So instead, we decided to enjoy a really good Christmas dinner and remove all other expense and stress that spending money over the festive season brings.”

Norwich Evening News: Elizabeth Marlow loves the festive season and sorts out her display as early as possible.Elizabeth Marlow loves the festive season and sorts out her display as early as possible. (Image: Elizabeth Marlow)