Hopes are high that a speed warning sign will be put up on a street plagued with rowdy racers.

People living in Britannia Road have historically endured anti-social behaviour, particularly at the car park where cars congregate with loud exhausts and music.

But county and city councillors, as well as Norfolk Police, are working together to tackle the problems after people living nearby raised the issue, following the long hot summer.

Alison Birmingham, Labour county councillor for Crome division, said: "It is a long-standing problem. One of the first things I did when I was elected in 2021 was help fund a SAM unit out of my county council provisions.

"I'm hopeful that now people have got together we can come up with a plan."

A SAM camera flashes up with a green happy face if drivers are travelling at the correct speed or a red sad face if they are driving too fast.

A Norwich City Council spokeswoman said: “We are listening to residents and working closely with colleagues at Norfolk County Council and Norfolk Police to see how we can support them to resolve any issues.”

Norwich Evening News:

Insp Mike Austin, from Norfolk Police, said: "We are aware of the vehicle-related issues in Britannia Road and a public vote has identified the area as my policing priority area for Norwich North.

"My teams regularly patrol the area and in doing so have spoken to people living in the area and those visiting.

"We are acutely aware of the impact that the behaviour of a number of people visiting the area with their vehicles is having on local residents.

"I have met with local people and representatives from other agencies in order to work towards an effective and sustainable solution to the issues.

"That work will continue on a number of fronts through the police, city and county councils until we achieve that solution."

Norwich Evening News:

A Norfolk County Council spokeswoman, said: “We are working with the county councillors regarding the provision of a SAM sign for the area.”

Other proposals to deter anti-social behaviour included a noise-sensing camera, speed humps and putting bollards on verges.