Christmas – it can be a time for families to celebrate and for others, just another day. A lonely one.

There will be parties, present giving and feasting for some…but not for all.

There will be those who will draw the curtains and wait for life to “get back to normal” whatever that means.

These are tough times. People are running out of money. It will be a cold and hungry Christmas for some.

But, despite all the problems and hardships, there are many who spend much of the time reaching out to others.

Thank goodness for groups such as Chit Chat which offers the hand of friendship, advice and guidance to others.

Three years ago members of the St Stephen’s Gate Medical Practice Patient Participation Group in Norwich got together and opened up a drop in centre at the Old Hospital Chapel nearby.

Chit Chat is a group with opened its doors to give anyone of any age a drink, a biscuit and the opportunity to sit down and talk to others.

Norwich Evening News:

It has now become a multi-agency project which includes Citizens Advice, Age UK Norwich, Equal Lives, MAP (Mancroft Advice Project) and Shelter.

Leading member and chair of the PPG Noreen Neal recalled how at Christmas 2019 they had a great party with games, music, dancing and refreshments.

“We had gifts which had been kindly donated and this enabled us to give a present to all who attended.

“Most opened them straight away. However, one lady asked if we minded if she took hers home to open on Christmas day, as it would be the only present she would get,” said Noreen.

Norwich Evening News:

Following the lockdown I told in July how they were up and running again and I am delighted to report it is going from strength to strength and is putting on Christmas celebration on Thursday December 1 at the Old Hospital Chapel from 10am to 12.30pm.

“Chit Chat is really taking off and we have had some wonderful people dropping in,” explained Noreen.

“We also now have some UEA Pharmacy students coming along which has been a real boost and since July we have also been making contacts with local organisations who offer various help to people in a variety of ways, which could be invaluable to many in these uncertain times,” she said,” added Noreen.

So, now they have decided to hold a festive gathering with entertainment, a sing-song, presents  and, of course, those biscuits will be replaced with mince pieces.

And there are also some signed books which have been donated by our own Stephen Fry which someone will be going home with.

“Although numbers are increasing, we are very much aware that there are many out there who I am sure would benefit from coming along to see us,” said Noreen.