City shopkeepers say they have had "overwhelming" support from Norwich folk in the run-up to Christmas despite the ongoing cost of living crisis.

There were fears that tightened purse strings would keep festive shoppers off the streets however bosses across the city say their floors have been packed.

Store owners said city folk had been especially backing independent shops over the major retailers once again, with some seeing their busiest-ever Christmas.

Poppy Stevens at Bookbugs and Dragon Tales in Timberhill, which is preparing for the visit of Father Christmas this week, said the shop had "never seen a festive period like it".

Norwich Evening News:

She said: "A lot of the independents have seen terrific support this year, we have so many lovely customers.

"We're lucky to have incredible customers who have been so supportive in difficult times.

"It's been our best Christmas yet."

Henry Layte, owner of the Book Hive in London Street had also seen strong support and said the till had not stopped ringing.

He said: "It's very busy - it's almost too busy to stop and chat.

Norwich Evening News:

"It's hard to compare year on year, but we're always packed at this time of the year."

However, Irene Astley of Imelda's Shoe Boutique in Guildhall Hill said business had been "a little quiet" at her end of the city.

She said: "It's not been too bad but we can't really complain because we've spent the last two in Covid and they've been awful.

Norwich Evening News:

"Norwich folk always back the independents though so we mustn't grumble.

"People here know that when they come to an independent they're getting better quality.

"We know it's a difficult time for people but I think people know when they come here they're getting a good service and they realise it's worth spending a bit more on a brand which is better quality."

Next door at clothing store, Scarlett, Louise Warnes said the festive period had been "really good" for the business.

She said: "It's been a bit busy, not quite like it has been in the past, but it is always really busy around this time of year."