Hot dogs topped with everything from chilli cheese to apple sauce are on the menu at a new city street food vendor.

The Wild Dogs was started by couple Kristina Sproge and Jamie Gricks over the New Year.

Miss Sproge, 32, had the idea to start the hot dog horse box a few years ago but was encouraged to finally follow her dream by her partner.

"It's a dream come true. We're definitely loving it," she said.

Norwich Evening News: Owners Jamie Gricks and Kristina SprogeOwners Jamie Gricks and Kristina Sproge (Image: Wild Dogs)

"When we got together Jamie fell in love with my hot dogs and my dream became a reality.

"We started looking for trailers and vans on eBay four months ago when we found the horse box and had it done up.

"Our first event was on New Year's Eve and it was amazing to be with customers and get their feedback."

Options include the Hell Hound with spicy sausage, sriracha mayo and jalapeños and the Fruity Woof Woof with pork and apple sausage, bacon and apple sauce.

Norwich Evening News: The Wild Dog, a popular optionThe Wild Dog, a popular option (Image: Wild Dogs)

There are also fries, both loaded and plain as well as a kids' menu.

"So far the favourite has been the Wild Dog but lots of people liked the Hell Hound too," the pair said.

"I think we're something a bit different. You find hot dogs everywhere but often they're an afterthought.

"We taste-tested our flavours with our family to make a menu with something for everyone. Some have toppings, some have none, some are spicy, some aren't."

Norwich Evening News: Wild Dogs is based out of a horse boxWild Dogs is based out of a horse box (Image: Wild Dogs)

And next for the couple is adding a breakfast menu to allow them to go to earlier events.

Mr Gricks said: "Right now we're reaching out to locations we can go to regularly.

"We want to try as many places as possible to find where we work best."

The pair both work in food manufacturing but are aiming to make Wild Dogs their full-time jobs.

Norwich Evening News: A hot dog with crispy onions and jalapenosA hot dog with crispy onions and jalapenos (Image: Wild Dogs)

"We want this to be permanent and to keep growing," Miss Sproge said.

"And we're really enjoying working together. It's going well.

"We want to go for it and keep learning so it's all really exciting."

Wild Dogs' menu and contact information are available on its Facebook page.