People in Bowthorpe have taken matters into their own hands after becoming concerned about a dangerous trip hazard.  

The damage to the pavement was first noticed on Wednesday at 8am in the visitor's car park in Montgomery Close.

Joanna de Vincentiis, who lives in the close reported the danger to Norfolk County Council's highways team shortly after she saw it.  

Norwich Evening News: The damage means that a large portion of the heavily used footpath is sticking upThe damage means that a large portion of the heavily used footpath is sticking up (Image: Joanna de Vincentiis)

She said: “I saw it on my way to St Michael’s School – I use a mobility scooter so straight away I knew this would be a potential hazard to pedestrians and especially to people living in the close who are elderly and disabled.

“If seen, it can be avoided but the pavement is raised to the extent that someone could easily trip or a wheel from a wheelchair or pram could result in quite a strong bump – in my opinion it really is quite dangerous.” 

Later in the morning, someone living nearby had gone out and cordoned off the damaged tarmac with a dog cage to prevent anyone being hurt.

Norwich Evening News: Another neighbour from the close covered the danger with a dog cage Another neighbour from the close covered the danger with a dog cage (Image: Joanna de Vincentiis)

When taking a photo of this to update her neighbours Joanna noticed a mark on the post that led her to believe that a vehicle must have backed into the post.  

She said: “I’m no expert but I think a vehicle of some kind has driven into the cement pillar.  

“It looks like someone has reversed into it, strange as there is a lamppost right next to it and the car park is well lit, so the incident is not due to poor lighting.  

Norwich Evening News: There is concern for the elderly and disabled people living in the area There is concern for the elderly and disabled people living in the area (Image: Joanna de Vincentiis)

A spokesman for the county council's highways department said: “The issue on Montgomery Road in Bowthorpe was reported to our Highways Team this morning [February 22], and we are currently arranging a visit to the site to inspect the damage and arrange any necessary repairs.” 

Norwich Evening News: Joanna de Vincentiis is hopeful the council will sort this soon before anybody gets hurt Joanna de Vincentiis is hopeful the council will sort this soon before anybody gets hurt (Image: Joanna de Vincentiis)