If you have wandered past The Forum this week then you would have spotted a huge shipping container with Eulogy branded on the side.

This has no doubt prompted questions of what the mysterious new addition is and how long it will be there.

Eulogy is an immersive audio-driven show by theatre company Darkfield and it is part of Norwich Theatre's 'Beyond' arm to bring performance to unexpected locations.

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It is open from now until March 26 and ticket-holders are plunged into complete darkness once they step inside and the experience lasts 35 minutes. 

Norwich Evening News: Eulogy comes to the city as part of Norwich Theatre's new 'Beyond' arm Image: Susanne DietzEulogy comes to the city as part of Norwich Theatre's new 'Beyond' arm Image: Susanne Dietz (Image: Susanne Dietz)

Darkfield utilises new technology in its shows and Eulogy uses binaural sound and speech recognition technology to deceive the senses.

Glen Neath, from Darkfield, said: "Eulogy takes place inside a dream hotel where you are one of the guests.

"Each guest has a chaperone that navigates them through the space and through the dream. 

“Eulogy will probably be unlike anything you have done before."

Tickets cost £12.50 on the Norwich Theatre website.