Problem parkers clogging up a road on the city outskirts have prompted calls for double yellow lines.

People living in Wroxham Road in Sprowston say shoppers at Tesco Express have been causing an obstruction for "some time" and have asked the town council to look into parking restrictions.

The parade of shops, opposite Merlin Way, has parking spaces for around 20 cars and also includes an Age UK charity shop and the Golden Plaice Fish Bar takeaway.

Police have told those living in the area to report issues to them if cars are causing an obstruction.

During the last Sprowston Town Council meeting, Conservative councillor John Mallen said the site was an "accident waiting to happen" and added that lorries delivering to the mini-supermarket "made the situation worse".

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Labour councillor Dawn Coleman mentioned there used to be double yellow lines on nearby Blenheim Road until resurfacing took place and they were not reinstated.

She said that since on-street parking enforcement transferred from the police to local authorities there is no longer any law enforcement in the area.

Councillors said white lines had previously been discussed for the road but it was decided they would only move the traffic build-up elsewhere.

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Liberal Democrat town councillor Martin Callam said the council had tried to implement a 20mph speed limit but was told it was not appropriate as the road was a feeder to the NDR.

The council agreed it would try to get double yellow lines on Wroxham Road, which has a 30mph limit, and reinstate the lines on Blenheim Road.

Councillors proposed to consult with police before making any recommendations to the county council.

The council carried a motion to put the plans to the county council after consulting with the police.