With King Charles III's coronation just days away, one Norwich man has dug out an 86-year-old coronation collectable given to him for George VI's crowing in 1937.

Richard Garman, 89, was given the coronation bible with accompanying prayer book as a gift by his grandmother ahead of the big day when he was just three years old.

And the royal relic has stayed with him ever since, despite going missing a few years back before being found in a box by his daughter while she was having a clearout.

Norwich Evening News: Inside Mr Garman's 1937 bibleInside Mr Garman's 1937 bible (Image: Denise Bradley)

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The book now takes pride of place in Mr Garman's Heigham Grove home, although his wife says he is a hoarder.

Mr Garman said: "My granny bought it for me all those years ago for the coronation in 1937.

Norwich Evening News: Mr Garman reading his 1937 coronation bibleMr Garman reading his 1937 coronation bible (Image: Denise Bradley)

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"The bible has got a crown on the front and text which says 'George VI R. 1937'.

"I don't get out much these days so it's a nice thing to have and look back on.

Norwich Evening News:

Norwich Evening News: Inside the prayer bookInside the prayer book (Image: Denise Bradley)

"It reminds me of my grandparents, they ran a shop in Essex Street and I can remember my grandfather giving me a bag of sweets every time I went in."

Now Mr Garman is looking forward to watching the third coronation of his lifetime on Saturday as the pageantry returns to the capital.