Plans to turn a bed store into a series of new homes have been delayed after concerns were raised over road access.

The former World of Beds shop in Mile Cross is to be demolished and transformed into five three-bed and two two-bed homes.

Plans for housing on the Curtis Road site were approved in March last year, but now developers Cannon Clarke Architects have applied to knock down the building in July.

It was hoped a decision would be reached this week, however, Norwich City Council's highways team has urged planning officials to insert conditions insisting on road improvement into any approval.

The highways official said vehicular access to the development needed to be improved before the former bed shop was demolished along with water drainage issues being rectified.

They also said workers must ensure they do not damage the carriageway.

Ahead of last year's meeting which saw the new homes approved, nine neighbours wrote to the council about the scheme, with concerns about overlooking and loss of privacy.

But council officer Maria Hammond said she considered the plans to be suitable, redeveloping a prominent but irregularly shaped plot, saying visual impacts could be mitigated.

There have been no objections to the demolition plans.

It is now not known when a decision will be made on plans.