The lead singer of one of the Arctic Monkeys' support acts on its UK tour cut his head open while performing in Manchester ahead of the Norwich concert.

The Hives will head to Carrow Road in Norwich on Wednesday, June 7 and will be on stage from 7.35pm ahead of the Sheffield rockers.

The Hives frontman Pelle Almqvist was flipping his microphone up and down while performing at Emirates Old Trafford in Manchester on Friday night (June 2) when it smacked him above his right eyebrow.

READ MORE: Guide to Arctic Monkeys concert at Carrow Road in Norwich

But in the true spirit of rock and roll, the Swedish singer continued to perform as blood poured down his face.

READ MORE: Arctic Monkeys rumoured setlist for Carrow Road in Norwich

After the show, he posted pictures of his injury on Instagram and wrote: "I’m ok! Was swinging the mic at the show and Nicholas [the guitarist] accidentally stepped on the cable sending the mic into my face. The blood looked really cool but it wasn’t too bad.

"I’m taped up and it's just a bump now. Let’s do it again tonight! Woohoo!"

The other support act for the Arctic Monkeys in Norwich is The Mysterines, who are due to come on at 6.40pm.