A Norwich man who denied being involved in a car park crash has agreed to undertake a £195 driving improvement course to avoid court.

Noel Barrett, 83, denied being involved in the crash at Friends Dental Practice in Wroxham Road, Sprowston, in December last year and said he was shocked at being sent a court summons as his silver Skoda Superb was unscathed.

However, a police spokeswoman confirmed that Mr Barrett has now agreed to undertake a driving improvement course, which is thought to cost £195, in order to avoid the court date.

She said Mr Barrett had never been charged with any crimes following the incident.

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The spokeswoman said: "The driver was offered the option of an out-of-court disposal, which is standard in these types of cases, which he accepted.

"He is due to attend a driver improvement course next month."

Mr Barrett still denies his involvement in the incident though.

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He said: "In the video I've seen, I still can't see that I've caused any collision.

"I've taken the course in order to stop this nonsense as I haven't got time for it.

"The whole thing is ridiculous."