Drivers ignoring road closure signs have sparked anger in a city community after a man walking his dog had a close call.

A section of Waterworks Road was closed on Friday, July 21 after a sinkhole appeared between Hotblack Road and Little Armes Street.

However, those living nearby have been amazed at the number of motorists ignoring the signs put up and driving on to the pavement to avoid a diversion.

Norwich Evening News: Cars were seen mounting the pavement to avoid a road closure in Waterworks RoadCars were seen mounting the pavement to avoid a road closure in Waterworks Road (Image: Liam Calvert)

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Chandler Waterfield, who lives in Athill Road, added: "I was walking the dog and had to jump off the pavement due to the cars driving down it. 

"I couldn't believe that people would drive so carelessly.

Norwich Evening News: The road works initially started on July 21 after a sink hole was foundThe road works initially started on July 21 after a sink hole was found (Image: Liam Calvert)

"What makes people think that this kind of driving is okay?"

Someone living nearby captured a video of the moment that some drivers decided to mount the kerb to avoid the diversion.


Richard Holmes, a member of Wensum Residents' Association, said: "I was absolutely gobsmacked by the way motorists were driving on to the pavement to get around the signs and cones. 

Norwich Evening News: Liam Calvert, Green Party councillor for Wensum WardLiam Calvert, Green Party councillor for Wensum Ward (Image: Liam Calvert)

"It wasn't like it was just one or two, it was like a convoy of reckless motorists - one following the other through a road closed because of a dangerous sinkhole."

A diversion is in place via Dereham Road and Old Palace Road, with Norfolk County Council estimating the closure will be in place until August 14.

Liam Calvert, Green city councillor for the Wensum ward, said: "Someone called me because they were worried that someone would get hurt.

Norwich Evening News: One man said he had to jump off the pavement to avoid an oncoming vehicleOne man said he had to jump off the pavement to avoid an oncoming vehicle (Image: Liam Calvert)

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"To be honest I took it with a pinch of salt, but when I got there it was a real mess.

"Local people were putting the cones back while drivers were knocking them out of the way and mounting the pavement at speed. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“I alerted the county council and since then the contractors have been back and put up some sturdier fencing. With luck, it should be fixed quickly.”

Norwich Evening News: One on-looker said there was a whole convoy of reckless motoristsOne on-looker said there was a whole convoy of reckless motorists (Image: Liam Calvert)