A man who was found with a large kitchen knife has been banned from being on one of Norwich’s busiest roads. 

Duncan Brittain, 45, pleaded guilty at Norwich Magistrates Court to being in possession of a bladed weapon when arrested on Dereham Road on July 7. 

He also admitted stealing alcohol from the One Stop Shop on Prince of Wales Road on June 29.

District Judge David Wilson told him he would be sentenced on October 5 and “all options are open including a prison sentence”.

He ordered a pre-sentence report into his offending.

READ MORE: Man gets suspended jail term over knife at Norwich station

Brittain, of Recorder Road in Norwich, was given conditional bail with terms meaning he is banned from entering Dereham Road, between Grapes Hill and Old Palace Road, at any time of the day or night.

He is also banned from entering the One Stop Shop.

The court was told a separate case at Norwich Crown Court meant he was also required to sign in at Bethel Street police station five days a week.