A Norwich man has taken to his shed to raise money in memory of his war hero grandfather. 

Retired Alec Waller has been building bird boxes and hedgehog homes at the end of his garden and is donating all the proceeds to the Royal British Legion.

Norwich Evening News: Alec Waller, from Costessey, is raising funds for the Royal British LegionAlec Waller, from Costessey, is raising funds for the Royal British Legion (Image: Emma Waller)

Alec's grandfather Ernest Wright was killed in battle during the First World War. 

The 81-year-old from Costessey said: "I never met him but I have his war medal and I wanted to start raising money for him." 

Norwich Evening News: Alec Waller, from Costessey, is raising funds for the Royal British LegionAlec Waller, from Costessey, is raising funds for the Royal British Legion (Image: Emma Waller)

So far Alec has raised £150 and last year the total was £230 in the three weeks running up to Remembrance Day.