The city's cycling Santa doesn’t need a sleigh and finds it far nippier to travel through NR3’s tight streets on a bicycle.  

Gary Hoyles is back for 2023 and this time he will be louder than ever as he has a whole new sound system to ensure children and adults know he is coming. 

Gary puts a lot of effort into his bike, fitting eight battery packs to power lights in the front of his bike, and with further lights with built-in battery packs he really is impossible to miss.  

Norwich Evening News: Gary heads out to the streets for four hours on every dry night Gary heads out to the streets for four hours on every dry night (Image: Sonya Duncan)

In his fourth year of doing this Gary has found the unusual Santa visits to be very popular.  

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He said: “It’s all about seeing the look on both kids' and adults' faces when I cycle past blaring Christmas music – it makes it worth it. 

“There are some new lights going on this year and I have a new and louder speaker which I plan on having quite loud so everyone can hear the Christmas music.” 

Norwich Evening News: Gary will post a tracker on Facebook, but is sure people will hear him coming Gary will post a tracker on Facebook, but is sure people will hear him coming (Image: Sonya Duncan)

Gary is keeping a close eye on the weather as his magical bicycle will not be safe in heavy rain or icy conditions, but on dry nights people may be able to catch a glimpse of him if they live in NR3. 

He said: “Any night where there is no rain, I will go out.” 

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Each time he heads out he cycles around for four hours – stopping to greet children who run out of their houses and waving at those who get up the window.  

Norwich Evening News: Gary has even more lights on his bike this year Gary has even more lights on his bike this year (Image: Gary Hoyles)

He said: “Last year my favourite moment was going to Woodside Care Home, all the residents were in their lounge and when they heard my music coming from outside they all came to the windows. 

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“They were dancing with me and it was absolutely brilliant.” 

For those who wish to pre-plan, Gary posts a tracker on his personal Facebook page.  

Norwich Evening News: He said that he loves seeing people jump up the window to wave to him He said that he loves seeing people jump up the window to wave to him (Image: Sonya Duncan)