Pressure is mounting on the government to call a public inquiry into the region's mental health services after leading councillors added their voices to the pleas.

Fran Whymark, on behalf of Norfolk's health overview and scrutiny committee (NHOSC), has written to health secretary Victoria Atkins highlighting concerns around the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT).

Norwich Evening News: Fran Whymark, Broadland District Councillor

The committee is made up of a combination of county and district councils and agreed to the move in September.

But Mr Whymark's letter was sent on the exact same day separate calls were made at County Hall for an inquiry following the tragic deaths of four family members in Costessey.

Bartlomiej Kuczynski, was found dead in his home in Queen's Hills along with his two children, Natasha and Jasmin, eight and 12, and his sister-in-law Kanticha Sukpengpanao, 36. 

Kuczynski, 45, was a known patient of NSFT, and is believed to have killed all three family members found in the property with him.

The tragic case has sparked fresh scrutiny on local mental health services, with campaigners saying it further emphasises the need for an inquiry.

But these latest calls were in the pipeline months before the tragedy - and relate to the way the trust handles mortality data following a report by auditors at Grant Thornton.

In the letter, Mr Whymark stated the committee had "continuing concerns regarding the quality and delivery of mental health services across Norfolk and Suffolk".

He wrote: "This, coupled with enduring concerns over historical performance and ongoing safety have led NHOSC members to call for a statutory public inquiry into mortality at NSFT."

However, the trust has continued to insist improvements are being made to services in the region - particularly since the Thornton report.

A spokesman said: "There has been a significant amount of work undertaken since the action plan was published and progress is being made."