A Norwich taxi driver has been given a suspended jail sentence after admitting to being involved in drug dealing. 

Khubayb Budeeb, 29, was found with a large bag of cannabis after being stopped by police on Earlham Road.

A search later saw officers discovering £13,545 in cash inside a safe at his home, Norwich Crown Court was told.

Analysis of his phone also found messages indicative of drug dealing with 25 people in his list of contacts with names using variations on the word ‘weed’. 

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Oliver Haswell, prosecuting, said police responding to a blue lights emergency had been hampered by a taxi in May 2020 with the driver seen to be on his mobile phone.

When the taxi was stopped a pungent smell led officers to a blue plastic bag containing 163 grams of cannabis estimated by police to be worth £1,630.  

Asked about this he said it had been a bulk purchase that he had intended to share with four others,” said Mr Haswell.

He also claimed the large amount of cash found at his home had been “legitimately earned” from his work as a taxi driver.  

Norwich Evening News: Messages on Budeeb's phone indicated dealing with 25 contacts listed using the word weedMessages on Budeeb's phone indicated dealing with 25 contacts listed using the word weed (Image: PA)

Budeeb, of Hop Pole Yard, Norwich, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis with intent to supply. 

Matthew Edwards, mitigating, said: “He was a cannabis smoker and was facilitating its purchase for a friendship group.

“This was during the dark ages of Covid and he was using cannabis to self medicate.”

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He has since had two children, no longer used drugs and was “trying to build a better future” despite having lost his taxi licence, he added. 

Sentencing him to 40 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months, Recorder Nicola Fitches said the impact on his wife and three children had spared him immediate custody.

He must also complete 10 rehabilitation days and 150 hours unpaid work.

A proceeds of crime order means he will forfeit the value of the drugs from the total cash seized.