Norfolk has a new landmark! A tree which is costing one man £500 a year to keep it looking like a giant helmet.

Peter Davis, who lives in Hewitts Lane in Wymondham, spends hundreds yearly trimming a 30ft tree nicknamed 'The Big Fella' by locals.

"People have started telling their delivery drivers where they live using the tree as a point of reference," said Peter, 72, who owns an outdoor games business.

Norwich Evening News: Peter trims part of the tree himself, hiring in a professional to tackle some of the 30ft greeneryPeter trims part of the tree himself, hiring in a professional to tackle some of the 30ft greenery (Image: Sonya Duncan)

"It's definitely a talking point.

"I even catch tourists posing in front of it!"

The tree is the only one left of the three originally planted in the garden in 1973.

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"We lost one to the Great Storm of 1987 and had to cut another down as it was too close to our house.

"The one at the front just keeps getting bigger and bigger!"

Norwich Evening News: The tree has been likened to a helmet by localsThe tree has been likened to a helmet by locals (Image: Sonya Duncan)

When Peter decided that he couldn't lose another, he decided to make it safe, cutting the branches back so that buses and lorries could pass under it.

"I don't like cutting trees down, and the bigger it got the harder it became to part with it," he said.

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"It costs me a lot to keep it safe, as the tree surgeon needs to use a cherry picker to trim it back.

"The part that overhangs the road is cut to about 15ft from the ground so that buses and lorries can get past, but the whole tree is probably about 30ft tall."

Peter believes the tree is a type of Leylandii cypress.

Norwich Evening News: I've grown quite attached to it, said PeterI've grown quite attached to it, said Peter (Image: Sonya Duncan)

He regularly trims around the streetlight almost swallowed by the leafy branches.

Despite its bulbous size, 'The Big Fella' has only ever had one complaint from a neighbour, who went to the council - but no enforcement action has followed.

"It would be a very sad day if it ever had to come down - I've grown quite attached to it.

"The day may come, but it's not here yet."