A councillor has hit back at naysayers opposing the recent decision to grant a fast-food giant its 10th restaurant in the city.

Earlier this month the Planning Inspectorate overturned Norwich City Council's decision to deny the proposed development of a drive-through McDonald's restaurant in Sprowston.

Neighbours living near the Mousehold Lane site voiced their concerns, mainly around the issues at the crossing between Richard Nash Cars and the M&S petrol station, but not everyone is disappointed.

Norwich Evening News: Neighbours raised concerns around the dangerous crossing shortly after access was granted for the new McDonald's in Mousehold LaneNeighbours raised concerns around the dangerous crossing shortly after access was granted for the new McDonald's in Mousehold Lane (Image: Newsquest)

Glenn Tingle, vice-chairman of Old Catton Parish Council, has lived in Mousehold Lane for 13 years and says the U-turn is "great news".

Mr Tingle said: "I'm absolutely thrilled to bits about the decision to go ahead.

"It's a real smack in the eye for all those people who like putting their unwanted noses into other people's lives and their surroundings.

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"People should realise others want to live their own lives and not in a nanny state, interfered with by 'champagne socialists'.

Norwich Evening News: Glenn Tingle, vice-chairman of Old Catton Parish Council, says the decision to allow McDonald's to build a new restaurant is great newsGlenn Tingle, vice-chairman of Old Catton Parish Council, says the decision to allow McDonald's to build a new restaurant is great news (Image: Archant)


"The restaurant will bring much welcomed jobs to the area and offer the option for the people of Sprowston to stay local instead of burning fuel going to a far flung McDonald's elsewhere.

"It's great news and gets my full support."

Mr Tingle, a former Ukip parliamentary candidate who the Tories suspended in October 2021 for controversial social media posts which he later apologised for, has also complained to the city council about "graffiti".

A banner reads "you keep it, we don't want it" on a fence next to the proposed site, which Mr Tingle believes "doesn't represent everyone".

Norwich Evening News: Councillor Tingle has also put in a complaint to Norwich City Council about graffiti on the side of a fence next to the new McDonald's siteCouncillor Tingle has also put in a complaint to Norwich City Council about graffiti on the side of a fence next to the new McDonald's site (Image: Newsquest)

Martin Booth, Labour district councillor for Sprowston North East, also approves of the appeal outcome.

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"I thought the decision would be overturned," said Mr Booth.

"I thought the city council's complaints against the development were very weak, so it doesn't surprise me.

"I think it's a good thing because it'll bring jobs to the area, that is great news whichever way you look at it."

Norwich Evening News: The Planning Inspectorate recently overturned Norwich City Council's decision and granted access for a new McDonald's in Mousehold LaneThe Planning Inspectorate recently overturned Norwich City Council's decision and granted access for a new McDonald's in Mousehold Lane (Image: Newsquest)