A city-based writer has triumphed at the Royal National Institute of Blind People's See Differently Awards for her children's television show.

Rebecca Atkinson, 47, who has hearing and sight impairments, won the Design for Everyone award for her work on Mixmups, which aired on Channel Five.

The inclusive show features protagonists combating disabilities, voiced by children with disabilities.

Norwich Evening News: Mixmups airs on Channel 5's Milkshake Mixmups airs on Channel 5's Milkshake (Image: Submitted)

Ms Atkinson's award recognises her commitment to understanding and aiding blind and partially sighted people's challenges through accessible and inclusive design.

READ MORE: Thas bootiful, bor! New kids' TV show features Norfolk accent

Ms Atkinson said: “I’m delighted to win this award and I feel really humbled and grateful to have my work recognised.

Norwich Evening News: The RNIB has honoured Rebecca Atkinson, centre, for her children's TV show MixmupsThe RNIB has honoured Rebecca Atkinson, centre, for her children's TV show Mixmups (Image: Submitted)

"At 17, I was told to give up working in TV because of my sight loss, and I’m glad I didn’t because Mixmups will give the next generation of children the representation that I didn’t see.”

The RNIB See Differently Awards honoured individuals and teams across seven categories, sponsored by People's Postcode Lottery.

Rebecca grew up in Norwich and moved back to raise her children 12 years ago, with Mixmups featuring a character with a Norfolk accent, with Lucky Loover Bird voiced by Norwich actor Gillian Dean.