Residents at a care home engaged in a costumed fundraising walk to bolster a charity appeal.

Staff and residents at Brooke House took a sponsored walk around their garden, completing 50 laps dressed in fanciful costumes.

The participants were encouraged and financially supported by visitors and relatives of the Brooke care home, south of Norwich.

The funds raised go to Macmillan Cancer Support, supplementing a JustGiving appeal initiated by Nathan 'Westy' West in memory of his grandparents who died due to cancer.

Norwich Evening News: Care home residents join cancer charity walk in fancy dress Care home residents join cancer charity walk in fancy dress (Image: Submitted)

Nathan, 32, a worker at Clays in Bungay, is a Norwich City fan and raised £60,000 for Macmillan previously after his half marathon fundraiser was flooded with donations after he was bullied online - leading to him being named the Canaries' Fan of the Season.

For his new fundraiser he ran the Bungay Half in April and will be running the Swansea Half on Sunday, the Great Eastern Run in Peterborough in October and the Sussex Downs Half in December.

The Brooke House event was organised by Sharon Hillman, activities coordinator, who said that residents "loved the idea and were delighted to take part."

Brooke House manager Alison Lake made rounds dressed in a rabbit suit.