A city chip shop is still reeling from the disruption caused by eight months of roadworks for a controversial roundabout revamp.

Ozgul Balciner who owns Hartlands fish and chip shop, next to the roundabout in Harvey Lane, endured a nightmare as the £4.4m project was completed between September and May.

The 58-year-old was even at risk of losing the business because of a 75pc dip in revenue.

Norwich Evening News: Hartlands fish and chip shop in Harvey LaneHartlands fish and chip shop in Harvey Lane (Image: Newsquest)

Despite the roundabout reopening to traffic on May 3 the knock-on effect from the work means the chippy is still struggling to recover fully.

Mr Balciner said: "We lost so much business we're having to work overtime to just get back to where we were.

"We're trying to change things to bring in more customers, such as expanding the menu a little bit - adding things like burgers and chicken wraps.

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"I'm also hoping to put out some more advertising but it's going to take time to get back to normal I think.

Norwich Evening News: Work to revamp the Heartsease roundabout started in September last yearWork to revamp the Heartsease roundabout started in September last year (Image: Newsquest)

"In the meantime, we're working as hard as we can."

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Hartlands is seemingly a popular destination for those who go there for their fish and chips having received an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars, from 115 reviews, on Uber Eats.

Mr Balciner initially contacted Norfolk County Council for help to keep the business afloat but was told "there is no legal liability to pay compensation for disruption to businesses caused by our works".

Norwich Evening News: Heartsease roundabout reopened to traffic on May 3Heartsease roundabout reopened to traffic on May 3 (Image: Newsquest)

He added: "The closure has had such a knock-on effect for the shop, even though the roundabout is open again, we're still struggling.

"There was never any support from the council - they didn't want to know.

"I hope business can get back to where it was - around Christmas time - but we'll have to wait and see."

Norwich Evening News: Mr Balciner said he hopes business can get back to where it wasMr Balciner said he hopes business can get back to where it was (Image: Newsquest)