A city Scout group has just two weeks to raise £133,000 or will lose a £1 million government grant for a new hut.

The 33rd Scout Group in Jessopp Road had already demolished part of their old centre before discovering they needed to raise further funds.

Work on the new building was set to start on July 1, but due to rising construction costs, the Scouts group is now £133,000 short of the money needed.

Originally, the £1m would have covered all costs for the hut.

Volunteers have been working to demolish part of the siteVolunteers have been working to demolish part of the site (Image: 33rd Norwich Scouts)

If they can’t raise the money before July 1, they will have to give the full £1m back to the government fund. 

Scout leader Andrew Parle said: "This news has moved me to tears.

"We have worked so hard to make this happen.

"But unless we can find this money now we have no choice but to hand the grant back.

"In these difficult times, our young people need us more than ever, and our waiting list is growing all the time.

"We just want to be able to give them the facilities they deserve."

Andrew Parle is the lead volunteer at the Scout groupAndrew Parle is the lead volunteer at the Scout group (Image: Denise Bradley)


The original plans would have seen a much bigger community centre built in the place of the scout hut.

"It is a huge building," said Andrew.

"Lots of the cost comes from the foundations which will need to be built in a Victorian quarry, making it much more expensive than other builds of this size.

"We've brought the costs down as much as we can without sacrificing the facility the community needs."

According to UK Construction Media, the cost of building materials rose by around 4.1pc in 2023 and is on track to rise at least another 3pc in 2024, accounting for the shortfall the 33rd Norwich Scouts are now experiencing.


Andrew explained that downsizing plans further - to ensure that the Scout group still had a new space, despite it not being the building they hoped for - would not be an option.

READ MORE: Construction of £1m Scout hut hits stumbling block

"It is too late for us to start the process all over again," he said.

"The planning process takes too long, and we have to start work in the next two weeks if we are going to hit the deadline.

The old Scout hut is no longer fit for purposeThe old Scout hut is no longer fit for purpose (Image: Denise Bradley)

"The fund is now closed, so even if we did have to hand the money back we couldn't then reapply for it. It no longer exists.

"What has been really hard is that we are raising money for a contingency, not for the actual building. 

"This is money that we might not even need to spend, but the build can't go ahead without the additional funds in place just in case they are needed."

The original funding would have originally been enough for the massive community centreThe original funding would have originally been enough for the massive community centre (Image: Denise Bradley)


An emergency fundraising appeal has now been launched, with hopes that the missing £133,000 can be raised through public donations. 

Around £27,000 has already been raised, but time is running out.

"We will not give up until we are told to stop," said Andrew.

"We need a small miracle."