Managers at a new McDonald's site will have to walk roads, footpaths and parks throughout the day to ensure they remain litter-free.

This is part of a five-step plan released by the fast-food giant to combat fears from locals that its controversial site in Mousehold Lane will remain "clear of litter".

The proposal from the company, which is on track to develop its 10th restaurant in the city, has outlined the tasks employees will undertake to keep the area spick and span.

Concerns were raised by people living near to the Mousehold Lane site about the increase in litterConcerns were raised by people living near to the Mousehold Lane site about the increase in litter (Image: Newsquest)

It says: "Managers should walk local roads, footpaths and parks at different times of the day and evening" looking for where litter is being left and the time of the day it starts piling up.

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It added staff will be checking "a minimum of 100 metres in all directions" around the restaurant.

The fast food giant has outlined a five-step plan to help combat litterThe fast food giant has outlined a five-step plan to help combat litter (Image: Newsquest)

While the number of patrols will be determined by management, the plan added it should be "typically" three patrols per day but "one per day should be used as a minimum".

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Results from the patrols will be reviewed "every six months" but for the new restaurant it will be reviewed weekly for the first month of operation.

McDonald's has outlined its management plan to combat litter in the areaMcDonald's has outlined its management plan to combat litter in the area (Image: Newsquest)

As well as litter, people living nearby are also convinced the drive-through restaurant's traffic will make the "dangerous" Mousehold Lane junction, next to the M&S petrol station, even worse.

However some have hit back at the naysayers, such as Glenn Tingle, vice-chairman of Old Catton Parish Council, who said the decision to build the restaurant was a "real smack in the eye for all those people who like putting their unwanted noses into other people's lives".

The new site for McDonald's in Mousehold LaneThe new site for McDonald's in Mousehold Lane (Image: Newsquest)