A city shopping centre has submitted plans to transform a former restaurant into two smaller eateries.

The Byron Burger in Chapelfield Plain is set to become two separate restaurants if plans sent by the shopping centre are approved.

Under the plans submitted by Lichfields on behalf of Chapelfield bosses, the former burger joint will be split in half, creating the space for two new cafes or restaurants on site.

The former Byron Burger will become two new restaurantsThe former Byron Burger will become two new restaurants (Image: Newsquest)

This is how the site was originally before Byron Burger was granted permission in 2015 to knock through the wall to create one large restaurant.

Rosa's Thai is already set to move into one of the units, and boarding was erected last week as work begins to transform the site.

The unit will be split in halfThe unit will be split in half (Image: Prosper via Norwich City Council)

The application will also see a new shopfront built in the corner unit, although it will be up to the next tenant to submit any future plans for signage to Norwich City Council.

Byron Burger closed its doors to customers at the end of last year after the firm went into administration. 

A second shopfront will be built for the corner unitA second shopfront will be built for the corner unit (Image: Prosper via Norwich City Council)

The unit has remained empty since.

City planners are aiming to reach a decision on the plans by August 8.