A shoplifter who stole thousands of pounds worth of chocolate has been remanded in prison despite begging the judge.

Kyle Nunn, 32, pleaded guilty to multiple thefts of confectionery and other items including coffee and meat, totalling £2,500.

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told all the thefts had occurred at the same branch of the Co-Op on Hall Road in Norwich in May and June.

He also admitted damaging the front door of a woman's house on June 1 and breaching a suspended sentence.

READ MORE: Man staged his own kidnap to get ransom from his family

Nunn, of Seaforth Drive, Hopton, got down on his knees in the dock as he pleaded to be spared being remanded in custody.

Deputy District Judge Sundeep Pankhania told him he had grounds to believe he would commit further shop thefts if released.

He was remanded until his sentencing at Norwich Crown Court on July 22.

Nunn has a long history of previous offences including staging his own violent kidnapping in a bid to get his own family to pay a £400 ransom.

Lucy Brakewell, mitigating, said: “This is someone who is desperate for help.”

However, the court heard he had failed to keep any appointments for drug rehabilitation treatment required as part of his previous suspended sentence.