A cherished annual Christmas celebration has found a new venue for its 2024 event.

The King’s Centre in Norwich was confirmed as the host of this year’s Norwich Open Christmas, an event that provides a Yuletide celebration for those alone, homeless, or in need which was traditionally held at St Andrews Hall, Norwich.

As the hall is currently under renovation, a venue change was necessitated.

A search across Norwich followed, resulting in The King’s Centre being selected for its central location, multi-function rooms, and large kitchen space.

Last year the team prepared 39 Turkeys, 800 Pigs in Blankets, 100 kilos Potatoes 80 kilos Carrots and Parsnips and 65kilos Sprouts Last year the team prepared 39 Turkeys, 800 Pigs in Blankets, 100 kilos Potatoes 80 kilos Carrots and Parsnips and 65kilos Sprouts (Image: Submitted)

The Norwich Open Christmas’ lead volunteers and trustees are working in collaboration with The King’s Centre team to ensure the venue is prepared ahead of the event.

Bill Ashton, chairman of Norwich Open Christmas, said: “We’re so pleased to have found a venue for Norwich Open Christmas 2024, and while this year’s event may look slightly different because of being in a new venue, our ultimate goal is to emulate the Norwich Open Christmas spirit and provide a fantastic celebration as usual.

“St Andrews Hall has been the home of Norwich Open Christmas for so long that we’re very familiar with how to host the celebration there and what works well to make Norwich Open Christmas a success year-on-year.

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“To make sure our 2024 celebration is on track to be as successful as previous years, we’re already working closely with The King’s Centre team to understand how we can use the space effectively to give our guests a great Christmas 2024.

“The event is a lifeline for many people in Norwich and the surrounding areas, so finding an alternative space to host means we can carry on providing a Christmas Day celebration for anyone who needs it.

"Thank you to colleagues at The King’s Centre for opening your doors to us."