Concerned locals have launched a fresh wave of objections at a scheme to upgrade a city park and sports ground.

Plans to expand the current pavilion at Old Catton Recreation Ground with two single-storey blocks and a new access road were heavily criticised when revealed by the parish council last year.

It was argued the expansion is needed to provide more suitable facilities for club and social activities at the site but neighbours said the changes would increase noise, create disturbance and result in a general loss of privacy.

An aerial view of the existing pavilion at the recreation ground An aerial view of the existing pavilion at the recreation ground (Image: Google Maps)

Now, six months after a decision was supposed to be reached by Broadland Council, the proposal is being slated again for a new raft of issues. 

Complaints range from a lack of transparency, safety concerns for children, cultural impact, as well as the necessity of the upgrade itself. 

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One objection read: "I am surprised that the first time I am hearing about these plans is through a family member.

"Why is there not more information being advertised throughout Old Catton about the proposed changes?

The existing pavilion (left) and its proposed changesThe existing pavilion (left) and its proposed changes (Image: Broadland District Council)

"It seems very unusual to not have a public consultation on this."

It continued: "I also don't feel the proposed black cladding and modern style is in keeping with the heritage of Old Catton.

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"The surrounding buildings are flint churches, Victorian schools and many buildings of interest, so this would not work with the Old Catton Neighbourhood Plan."

And the construction of a new access road has raised some eyebrows. 

The proposed expansion of the pavilionThe proposed expansion of the pavilion (Image: Broadland District Council)

"The fact that the play area is going to have equipment removed to make way for the access road is unacceptable," another objector said.

"There has been no mention of this happening in the application, it is only when you look at the proposed plans you can see that the swings, climbing frame and roundabout are to be removed and that the fencing looks to be removed too and replaced with bollards.

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"How exactly is this supposed to keep young children safe in a supposed enclosed play area?"

Further questions and queries have been raised about the requirement for such an upgrade.

"The application states there are 10 full-time employees so I am bamboozled as to what the expansion plans are going to be used for. 

"There has been no clear indication of usage, and what benefits will be had for the community."

The proposal is currently pending consideration.