A Coronation Street star is coming to Norwich on the UK tour of a murder mystery based on a classic board game. 

Cluedo 2 is heading to Norwich Theatre Royal from July 2 to 6 2024 and it stars Ellie Leach as Miss Scarlett. 

She is best known for playing Faye Windass in Coronation Street and she also won Strictly Come Dancing in 2023 with Vito Coppola.

Ellie Leach as Miss Scarlett in Cluedo 2 Picture: Dave HoganEllie Leach as Miss Scarlett in Cluedo 2 Picture: Dave Hogan (Image: Dave Hogan)

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She said: "This is my first stage play and I am very excited to be playing Miss Scarlett.

"It is nerve-wracking as it is something completely different to TV, but I really want to push myself out of my comfort zone."

The play is based on the classic Hasbro board game Picture: Alastair MuirThe play is based on the classic Hasbro board game Picture: Alastair Muir (Image: Alastair Muir)

The play also stars Jason Durr as Colonel Mustard, who played David Hide in Casualty and Mike Bradley in Heartbeat. 

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The cast of Cluedo 2 Picture: Dave HoganThe cast of Cluedo 2 Picture: Dave Hogan (Image: Dave Hogan)

As the bodies pile up, colourful characters move from room to room trying to escape the murderer and survive the night.

Cluedo 2 follows the success of the original play, which came to Norwich in 2022, and it is a completely new story so if you missed the first one it does not matter. 

Book tickets at norwichtheatre.org or call 01603 630000.