A Norwich computer expert has been spared a jail sentence for online indecent images of children aged as young as one.

Jake Taylor, 25, admitted possession of almost 3,000 images found on electronic devices. 

Norwich Crown Court was told 550 of the pictures had been classified as being category A - the most extreme - and had included images of children and babies. 

The software technician, of Furze Road, pleaded guilty to four charges including possession of category A, B and C images between Christmas Day 2021and December 27 2022.

Recorder David Herbert told Taylor said they were “despicable offences”. 

He said: “These youngsters are clearly put through the most disturbing of ordeals for men such as yourself to get satisfaction.” 

But sentencing him to six months suspended for 18 months he said he saw “little point” sending him to immediate prison.  

“The public interest would be much better served by you getting help and support,” he added.

He imposed a requirement that he complete 20 days rehabilitation and 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was also made subject of a seven year sexual harm prevention order and sex offender notification requirements.