Armed police cordoned off a city street due to an incident which involved a man who climbed a roof. 

Officers cordoned off a section of Angel Road in NR3 at around 5.30pm today. 

Photographs show a hooded man wearing a darkly coloured jumper had climbed the roof of one of the houses in the street.

A hooded man has climbed the roof of a houseA hooded man has climbed the roof of a house (Image: Submitted)

Victoria Trattles, an eyewitness who lives in the area said she had seen armed police, three police cars, two fire engines, an ambulance and a sniffer dog at the scene.

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"Locals are very shocked and concerned," she said.

A fire crew with a ladder are at the incidentA fire engine with a ladder is at the incident (Image: Submitted)
Concerned locals look on from behind the cordon (Image: Submitted) "The guy is still up there. 

"Apparently he used a knife in a robbery of Angel Stores and then fled to the roof."

Norfolk Fire and Rescue confirmed they had been in attendance at the incident but were unable to comment further. 

The street was re-opened by 7pm, with all emergency services having left the scene. 

It is believed the man was brought down from the roof using a fire ladder. 

Norfolk Constabulary has been approached for comment.