A Norwich man has appeared in court accused of attacking and strangling his former partner.

John Mahoney, 43, faces five allegations including assaulting the woman on June 22, just 72 hours after being bailed for a previous incident in which he is accused of having slapped and punched her. 

He is also accused of intention strangulation on June 7 and 18 and coercive and controlling behaviour between July 2023 and June 18 this year.

Prosecutor Sarah Dawes told Norwich Magistrates' Court it was alleged his behaviour had included limiting her access to friends and family, demanding to know her movements, and controlling and monitoring her mobile phone. 

Mahoney, of Laundry Close, did not enter pleas to the charges. 

Matt Diss, representing him, said he was likely to deny the charges.

Magistrates declined jurisdiction, sending the case to be heard at Norwich Crown Court, with a preliminary hearing on July 22. 

He was granted bail with conditions not to contact the victim and for his movements to be monitored by a GPS tag, however he was remanded in custody pending a bail appeal by the CPS.