People looking to sell homes in a village estate feel stuck between a rock and a hard place as a years-long housing saga rumbles on.

In 2019 letters were sent to 255 homes in The Glade estate in Little Plumstead demanding they each pay £2,621 to Flatland Management Ltd, owned by Russell Edwards, for land maintenance dating back to 2004.

While most people refused to pay, others had to part with their money in order to sell their homes.

The issue, however, continues to roll on and is frustrating those trying to sell.

Brian Kirton has lived in the area, with his wife Velma, since 2013.

The 81-year-old said: "A substantial number of sales in this estate have fallen through because of the problems caused by the owners.

"I know of some people who have been warned off even buying a house here because of the issue.

The Glade Estate in Little PlumsteadThe Glade Estate in Little Plumstead (Image: Newsquest)

"It's a serious problem and shouldn't be happening.

"The only fee I ever paid for came to us in July 2015, for £60.

"We then received a far more substantial bill in February 2018 - for £2,621 - before another £300 was added on to it in March 2018.

"However we haven't paid these because the period the fee ranges from is 2004 - when we were in a different part of the world.

"We don't agree with the amounts and want to know why we're getting billed for something before we even lived here.

"It doesn't make sense."

Louise Clare has lived in the estate for six years with her husband and added: "When we bought the house, it was a chain of four and we knew nothing about the fees.

"Eventually our solicitor found out about them and that the previous owners had paid £3,500.

"But because it took so long to discover the fees, our buyer pulled out.

"The whole chain could've collapsed if it wasn't for everyone else putting in about £8,000 - between us - to get them back in.

Velma and Brian Kirton, who have lived in The Glade Estate since 2013Velma and Brian Kirton, who have lived in The Glade Estate since 2013 (Image: Brian Kirton)

"Since then we received a couple of fees - one of which was the previous owner's £3,500 bill.

"They don't know what's been paid and it's causing a lot of people stress that are getting caught up in it.

"If we were selling again we'd be tearing out hair out like others are."

The dispute dates back to 2010 when Mr Edwards' other company, Alexander Grace Homes (AGH), took on responsibility for manging amenity land around The Glade estate.

Mr Edwards previously said his firm was owed more than £600,000 in unpaid fees and warned he would take legal action if people kept refusing to pay.

Shaun Vincent, former leader of Broadland District Council, previously said the preferred option was for Mr Edwards' company to "do what they say they are supposed to do and make it work".

Despite adding there could be a threat of an "enforcement route" if this didn't work, the district council has now admitted no "viable solution" has been found.

Broadland District Council say it's thoroughly explored various options to try and ease the situation between homeowners and managementBroadland District Council say it's thoroughly explored various options to try and ease the situation between homeowners and management (Image: Newsquest)

A council spokeswoman said: "We have thoroughly explored various options to ease the situation between the residents of The Glade Estate and Flatland Management.

"Unfortunately, a viable solution has not been found.

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"The council is committed to ensuring that the open space is properly maintained, although we do not have control over how the maintenance costs are allocated.

"Residents with management responsibilities specified in their title deeds should have been informed of these obligations at the time of purchasing their properties.

The Glade Estate area is maintained by Flatlands managementThe Glade Estate in Little Plumstead is maintained by Flatland Management (Image: Google Maps)

"Understanding these contractual responsibilities is crucial and it is recommended that residents seek appropriate legal advice if needed.

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"It is important to note that the council is not responsible for matters related to contract law."

Broadland MP Jerome Mayhew said in 2021 he would raise the issue with the secretary of state. The Conservative MP, who is currently campaigning to retain his seat ahead of the General Election, did not respond to requests for comment.

Flatland Management was also contacted for comment.