Fiesta fisticuffs shocked drivers as a fight spilled into a busy city centre road during rush hour.

The brawl broke out in Bishop Bridge Road, near the Lollard's Pit pub, as two men came to blows and fell into the path of queuing traffic. 

According to a bystander, the reason for the altercation was that one of the men "robs homeless people".

The brawl happened around 8.45am on Thursday morningThe brawl happened around 8.45am on Thursday morning (Image: Antony Fairclough)

Antony Fairclough was cycling to work at around 8.45am on Thursday when he heard the commotion and his bike's camera recorded the scuffle ending up on the bonnet of a Ford Fiesta.

The 42-year-old said: "I was heading over the bridge when I heard some aggressive shouting.

"Across the road, where the speed camera is, were two people fighting and two or three more seemingly egging them on with one of them holding a bag with alcohol in.

"There were a few punches thrown but most missed - it was more like a lot of grappling and rolling around.

"However it then spilled onto the road where there was rush hour traffic, which caused an even bigger backlog.

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"They were then fighting on the bonnet of a lady's car and she was beeping her horn, as well as many others, to try and get them to move.

Antony Fairclough was cycling to work when he spotted the two men fightingAntony Fairclough was cycling to work when he spotted the two men fighting (Image: Antony Fairclough)

"Then one of the people watching came over, quite aggressively, so I thought I'd head on to work.

"I wanted to record something just in case things got really nasty.

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"I feel sorry for the lady in the car where they were fighting because she didn't want to get in harm's way.

The fight spilled into the road and on to the bonnet of a Ford FiestaThe fight spilled into the road and on to the bonnet of a Ford Fiesta (Image: Antony Fairclough)

"They're just putting themselves and others in danger by being reckless."

A police spokesman confirmed there have not yet been any reports of the incident or of a related theft.

In April, following a string of Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (Snap) meetings, city police pledged to step up patrols to tackle issues in the Prince of Wales Road area such as street drinking and alcohol-related crime.

One person, who was with the two men fighting, said one of them was robbing homeless peopleOne person, who was with the two men fighting, said one of them was robbing homeless people (Image: Antony Fairclough)