Calls have been made for a crunch decision over Norfolk's multi-million-pound devolution deal to be put on ice - because of repercussions the General Election might bring.

Norfolk County Council will meet on July 23 to vote on whether to change its governance so the public can vote for a directly-elected leader - a key component of the £600m deal offered by the government.

But, with the prospect a new government might have different thoughts on a deal - or might ditch it  - County Hall opposition parties questioned whether this month's vote was worth taking.

Liberal Democrat Steffan Aquarone, a General Election candidate in North Norfolk and Labour's Terry Jermy, a candidate in South West Norfolk, both raised questions at Monday's Conservative-controlled cabinet.

Terry JermyTerry Jermy (Image: Owen Sennitt)

Mr Jermy said: "Does the leader agree it makes sense to defer the decision on future governance until autumn so we can assess the impact of a new government rather than rush a decision we may regret for many years?"

Kay Mason BilligKay Mason Billig (Image: Norfolk County Council)

Council leader Kay Mason Billig said: "Full council resolved in December for a further discussion to be held in July and therefore this will need to be brought back to that meeting and it will be for council to consider how it wishes to proceed at that time.

"Until we know the outcome of the General Election, speculation on what may or may not happen to our in-principle deal on devolution, is premature."

Mr Aquarone said: "On the occasion that new improved deals are offered under a Labour government, would the leader of the council allow a vote to explore these at the expense of scrapping our current in-principal deal, which is not without its shortfalls."

Steffan AquaroneSteffan Aquarone (Image: Supplied)

Mrs Mason Billig said: "Once the results of the General Election are known, we will engage and work with any incoming government in order to deliver the immediate benefits for Norfolk that would come with a devolution deal."

The idea of a 'county deal' - which would see a transfer of power from Whitehall to the county council - was agreed in principle in December 2022.

Norfolk County Council's County Hall headquartersNorfolk County Council's County Hall headquarters (Image: Mike Page)

READ MORE: Norfolk devolution deal could see hundreds of homes built

It includes an investment fund of £20m a year for 30 years, control of the £12m budget for adult education, and £7m for brownfield development.

While it does not come with a mayor, it would see the public vote for a directly-elected leader of Norfolk County Council.