A £1m Scout hut set for the Golden Triangle WILL be built after an unexpected funding gap putting the project in jeopardy was filled.

The 33rd Norwich Scout Group's new building in Jessopp Road looked set for disaster when, just two weeks ago, with work already under way, volunteers issued an urgent appeal to raise £133,000 or sacrifice the £916,000 granted through a government fund.

Despite making cuts to the designs and stripping back the building plans as far as possible, a rise in construction costs created a deficit of thousands that the original grant just could not cover.

Part of the building has already been demolishedPart of the building has already been demolished (Image: 33rd Norwich Scouts)

Now, the group has revealed that the build will be going ahead - despite only raising £50,000 of the £133,000 shortfall.

Lead volunteer Andrew Parle said: "We are utterly delighted that we have found a way through this.

"This is due in no small part to the incredible generosity of our community. Between pledges and donations via our crowdfund we have raised a further £50,000.

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"A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped us.

"We are on track to give our community and the young people of south Norwich the facility they deserve.”

Andrew Parle is lead volunteer for the 33rd Scout Group in Jessopp RoadAndrew Parle is the lead volunteer for the 33rd Scout Group in Jessopp Road (Image: Denise Bradley)

It has been revealed that the project is now going to be split into two phases with the hall built initially, and the remainder of the plans to be completed later once the additional funding has been secured.

"Behind the scenes, we’ve worked tirelessly with professionals and grant holders to find a way," said Andrew.

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"I’m bowled over by the dedication and determination of all those involved. I can’t thank them enough.

The demolition of the old scout hut started in MarchThe demolition of the old scout hut started in March (Image: 33rd Norwich Scout Group)

The initial plans for the scout hutThe initial plans for the scout hut (Image: Denise Bradley)

"We will be able to give full details when the new arrangements are finalised with the funders in a couple of weeks."

The Scout group launched a crowdfunder to bridge the financial gap, which will remain open to public donations for another week.