A football group for dads played a 24-hour match to raise money for a charity.

The Match of the Dads (MOTD) game was played at the Football Development Centre in Bowthorpe and raised funds for Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm), which combats suicide.

The match started at midday on Saturday and saw an initial burst of sunshine encourage plenty of suncream but it didn't dampen spirits.

The dads are already planning another event The dads are already planning another event (Image: Submitted)

The groups Wellbeing Wanderers and Keep Calm United went head-to-head, with scores staying relatively even.

Ten players lasted the entire 24 hours, with short breaks for energy drinks and snacks, maintaining high morale throughout.

The final score sat at 321 to 297 in favour of Wellbeing Wanderers.

Following the match, discussions soon began about repeating the event, possibly for a longer duration.

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The charity game raised more than £1,750 for Calm, with the group hoping for more donations to come.

Donations can be made at MOTD's fundraising page on JustGiving.

Community development team leader at NHS Norfolk and Waveney Talking Therapies and MOTD 'Dadmin', Kelvin Colbourn, said: “This group is incredible.

"Dads from all walks of life coming together to take on a mammoth task, we are not in anyway athletes, so took real mental and physical resilience to achieve our goal.

A group of 10 dads played for the entire 24 hours A group of 10 dads played for the entire 24 hours (Image: Submitted)

"The partnership with the group is a real win-win, supporting the boys whilst spreading the #noparentleftbehind campaign, offering support to dads out there and letting them know they are not alone.”

MOTD founder, Paul Godfrey, added: "What an achievement from the guys.

"It’s this kind of challenge that really shows the inner strength that you have as a person, and if you can get through the physical pain and mental exhaustion of playing football for hour after hour, then you can look at yourself in the mirror and know that you can get through pretty much anything life throws at you."