A worried couple living in an assisted living flat are desperate for repair works to be carried out after being left without a working lift for weeks.

Heather Taylor, 79, has been living on the top floor of Grays Fair Court in Bowthorpe for 18 years with her husband Richard, 73, who is a wheelchair user.

Eight weeks ago, the one elevator that goes to their floor broke down, and despite efforts to fix it, the lift is still out of order.

Mr and Mrs Taylor have lived at Grays Fair Court for 18 yearsHeather and Richard Taylor have lived at Grays Fair Court for 18 years (Image: Denise Bradley)

"It is very frustrating," said Mrs Taylor.

"My husband has very little mobility and struggles to get around without his wheelchair.

"What happens if someone is taken seriously ill and paramedics struggle to get them out of the building, or there is a fire?"

The lift has been out of order for eight weeksThe lift has been out of order for eight weeks (Image: Denise Bradley)

The Saffron Housing Group, which manages the block of flats, has put in a stairlift and other mobility aids to try and help folk move around the building, with care providers stepping in to offer additional support to those carrying shopping to the top floor.

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Mrs Taylor feels that they have not gone far enough to help those living in the flats though.

"There has been a massive lack of communication," she said.

"This is the third time in recent years that it has broken."

Grays Faor Court is managed by Saffron Housing GroupGrays Faor Court is managed by Saffron Housing Group (Image: Denise Bradley)

Aine McGaley, interim director of tenant services at Saffron Housing Trust, explained that despite efforts to repair the lift and a delay due to a part that had to be sourced from outside of the UK, further issues were discovered with other areas of the lift.

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"We understand that this has been an extremely worrying time for the residents at Grays Fair Court, and we apologise unreservedly for the distress it has caused.

"We take the wellbeing of residents very seriously and they remain our top priority.

"A technician has been booked to refit and resolve on Friday, July 5, and will be sending out a letter to each resident to update them on the repairs process.

"A review will be undertaken to understand why this happened and prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future."