A driver has been pulled over on the NDR by a man with flashing lights mounted to his car who was pretending to be a police officer. 

The victim, a man in his 50s, was near Norwich Airport in Hellesdon when the fake officer used his lights to signal him to pull over.

He then started speaking to the victim about the manner of his driving.

Police are now investigating the incident that happened between 1pm and 2pm on June 20 and are advising the public to be vigilant.

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The impersonator, driving a 2023 plate silver Mercedes A Class, was wearing black trousers, a black fleece, black boots and a white police hat but had no radio, utility belt, police badges or epaulettes.

He also did not produce a warrant card or provide his name and collar number.

He is described as being white, in his 30s and approximately 6ft tall.

Inspector Will Drummond of the Roads and Armed Policing Team said: "We are keen to identify the car and the occupant who was claiming to be a police officer.

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"If you were in the area at the time and have any relevant dashcam footage, please get in touch.

“If you're unsure about whether the person you're dealing with is a genuine police officer – stop – and call us on 101 to check their identity.

“A police officer will always carry a warrant card and will produce it when asked.

"If an officer is in a vehicle and wants you to stop, make sure you are stopping in a safe place. i.e well lit, with other vehicles passing.”

Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area between the times stated, or anyone with any information, should contact Sgt Ben Hawkins on 101.