Many people will have seen the award winning film Zone of Interest.

The audience watch in horror as family life continues, separated only by a wall from the concentration camp next door.

The older boy plays with stolen teeth, the family women share out stolen clothing, a young woman offers sex to the commandant behind several locked doors in the family home, all without comment. 

The younger boy hears instructions shouted to kill two prisoners fighting over half an apple, looks out of his window and decides he must keep the curtains closed.

Grandmother visits and disappears in the night, leaving a note, but the audience doesn't see what it says. Her daughter burns the note and carries on as normal, though clearly upset by her mother’s departure.  Was mother the conscience of the family?

Interlaced are cartoon images of a girl laying a trail of apples, with references to the Hansel and Gretel story of escape, and then turning the tables on the witch who'd intended to cook them.

The good people did nothing and the death camp carried on killing people, under the father's efficient management.

In Norwich we hear planes flying overhead from RAF Lakenheath, 42 miles near us.  Lakenheath has had its facilities upgraded to receive nuclear weapons from the US.  This is our Zone of Interest.

Instead of amusing ourselves with stolen teeth and clothes and a sex slave, we can watch a Friday ‘airshow’.  Plane spotters tell me the planes fly on Fridays for no other reason than to use up their fuel before the next weekly consignment arrives. Each plane uses 20 gallons per minute of flying time.

The siting of US nuclear weapons in the UK significantly increases NATO capacity to start a  nuclear war. Putin has described this as an escalation and used the NATO weapons sharing arrangement to justify siting Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus, meaning that the US is no longer the only state that has nuclear weapons in foreign countries. Few will think that this makes us safer.

If any of these weapons were ever fired they would cause devastation many multiples of that seen at Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

A single nuclear warhead fired on London could kill an estimated million people immediately leaving many more injured, displaced and without infrastructure for finding food, shelter or hospitals.

It could trigger a cycle of retaliation that could last until there was no civilisation left to continue the destruction.

Nuclear apocalypse is the well-founded fear that my generation grew up with. It is closer than it's ever been before, but may not be inevitable. We are still here, ordinary people are doing something good and we have something to show for it.

International humanitarian law, world courts, and human rights legislation did not exist until people came together to think, plan, and campaign for them.  We have international treaties banning biological and chemical weapons, landmines and cluster bombs and an international Treaty for the Prevention of Nuclear War signed by 93 countries.  These all help reduce the risks, but there's a long way to go.

On March 26, eight women including four from Norwich CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)  delivered a letter to the base commander outlining our concerns and launching the Lakenheath alliance for Peace.

Lakenheath Alliance for Peace (LAP) will start its major summer event in the centre of Norwich at the City Hall on Saturday, July 13 when we will begin with a walk/bike ride over four days to USAF Lakenheath and start the peace camp on Tuesday, July 16. The camp will continue until July 25.

On May 11 CND held a national day of action to highlight the dangers and ask their representatives to raise the issues on Parliament, where it has never been discussed

As citizens, parents, ancestors, descendants, friends and professionals, every person is well placed to promote the kinds of diplomacy that will reduce the risk of a nuclear holocaust.

Lakenheath is 42 miles from Norwich. Let’s engage in our Zone of Interest and see what rational humanity can do.

Lesley Grahame is a member of the Norwich Green Party