Thousands of pounds are currently sitting unclaimed in Norwich. Could you be entitled to a share?

When somebody dies without a will or known family, their estate is left in limbo.

Estates that are still unclaimed after 12 years generally become property of the Crown, although thoroughly evidenced claims will be considered for up to 30 years.

The estates of 18 people who died in Norwich are currently in this in-between stage.

Their surnames were Allen, Baker, Bodyk, Bond, Broome, Brown, Collins, Goodrum, Hale, Milne, Moore, Newman, Pulley, Schultz, Smith, Stevens, Taylor and Weston.

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If someone dies without leaving a valid or effective will, the following relatives are entitled to the estate in the order shown of priority below:

  • husband, wife or civil partner
  • children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on
  • mother or father
  • siblings with the same mother and father, or the siblings' children (nieces and nephews)
  • half-siblings or the half-siblings' children 
  • grandparents
  • uncles and aunts or their children (first cousins or their descendants)
  • half uncles and aunts or their children

People trying to claim from these estates will be asked for family trees to prove their position in the lineage.

They might also have to give evidence such as birth, death and marriage certificates.