A charity golf event will see an award-winning chef cooking a fancy meal for the winners.

The Dunston Hall Golf Club Seniors are set to hold their Annual Charity Golf Day on September 10.

Participants will be playing for a good cause, with proceeds going to the Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS).

And the Norfolk chef, Charlie Hodson, will add culinary flair to the event.

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He has offered to personally cook a five-course supper at the winner's home as part of the charity auction.

Mr Hodson said: "We don’t talk about suicide enough, we certainly don’t talk about the pain that’s left for a lifetime for those loved ones left behind."

He shared his own struggles with mental health and expressed his privilege to support the work of SoBS Norfolk.

The winning bidders can enjoy their five-course meal, paired with a wine, anytime from December 2024 to June 2025.

The prize is worth £800.

Captain of the seniors', Ken Jennings, commented on the charity they decided to support.

He noted the essential role SoBS had played in helping his family after the loss of his wife in 2020.

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Mr Jennings said: "When I lost my wife in 2020, SoBS was the only organisation that helped me and my family as we tried to process what had happened."

The Charity Auction will be taking place on the day of the golf competition.

The funds raised will be channelled to the activities of the new SoBS support group based in Norwich.

Anyone interested in bidding for Charlie's Supper can do so by an advance submission via email at ken.Jennings@hotmail.co.uk to the Seniors' Captain, making this a worthy cause anyone can participate in.